AFAP – Australian Federation of Air Pilots

AFAP – Australian Federation of Air Pilots

Zoom's capabilities are wide ranging. It is easy to use, provides high quality desktop image quality and application sharing for documents, photos and video clips and allows us to invite new participants at will. As a result of implementing Zoom, we have been able to reduce staff travel costs which will contribute to an early return on investment. A key factor for us using Zoom  at the AFAP is that a VC can be initiated by end users without any technical knowledge or the need for assistance. Our members who have witnessed Zoom in action have all provided positive feedback.  What a great product!

VC Systems
Zoom's capabilities are wide ranging. It is easy to use, provides high quality desktop image quality and application sharing for documents, photos and video clips and allows us to invite new participants at will. As a result of implementing Zoom, we have been able to reduce staff travel costs which will contribute to an early return on investment. A key factor for us using Zoom  at the AFAP is that a VC can be initiated by end users without any technical knowledge or the need for assistance. Our members who have witnessed Zoom in action have all provided positive feedback.  What a great product!